After reading an article from, I realized that fashion is more than a piece of clothing, it’s a statement. It’s a socially acceptable and safe way to distinguish oneself and, at the same time, it satisfies the individuals’ need to express themselves. In a article by Vikas S. Shah called, “The Role of Fashion in Human Culture”, the article talks about what fashion is through interviews with fashion icons and cultural professors. Jukka Gronow, an emeritus professor in sociology at the University of Uppsala, Sweden states, “It teaches the modern man how a person can be a homogenous part of social mass without losing his individuality, or how he can both stick to his own private taste and expect others - who recognizably also have a taste of their own - to share it. Fashion helps overcome the distance between an individual and his society” (Gronow). This shows how as people, fashion gives us the freedom to show any style while still allowing us to be a part of groups and other styles. Fashion itself began as merely a way to differentiate ourselves from our respective groups and display status. However, as fashion evolved throughout the years it began to slowly change depending on an individual’s cultural background. As fashion became widely available for people of any affiliation, it became easy to showcase their personality in a way that’s respected in society. Due to acceptance in society, fashion became a safe haven for people who wanted to represent their cultures in a non-judgemental community. Today, we see clothing that’s influenced by art like Yves Saint Laurent’s pieces inspired by Mondrian ballet. Each person adapts to a style or a type of cultural fashion with each outfit a person wears, and it says something about who you are. Bold colors often portray confidence and certain colors represent underlying meanings like peace. In the discourse of humanity, fashion is a conversation about who we are and is more than just a piece of clothing.
Link to The Role of Fashion In Human Culture:
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